Friday, December 18, 2009

Show me the money!

I created a gambling man. My 5 year old loves scratch off lotto tickets. Oh no. Is this horrible? I actually like them too. Love to win money. We hardly ever win money. Waaawaaaa. The Gambling Man begs to go over to that big green machine when we are at the store. Awww, Texas State Lotto! I try and control ourselves so we don't waste a bunch of money. You know why...because who actually wins more than $2? I usually give the kid $2-$3 to buy $1 scratch offs. Once he gets them, he holds them tight until we get to the car. We then pick out our luckiest coin and scratch away. Then... NADA! NOTHING! ZILCH! Damn scratch offs. The Husb a.k.a. Santa puts them in our Christmas stockings! Love that. I've always been tempted to bring them to our friends Christmas Party gift exchange. But what if someone won $1000 off one. I'd be jealous and ticked I hadn't scratched it. I guess the Husb knows that if I win $25,000 off a stocking stuffer that it's "all in the family"! Or is it? Baaaahahaha!


Anonymous said...

i'm with you...i love the scratch offs and will NEVER give them out at a christmas party. i'm afraid if someone won more than five dollars, i'd hit them over the head in the parking lot and steal it back. i can't afford to go to jail right now.

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.