Monday, November 9, 2009

Toys toys toys!

This coming Saturday is T's 5th birthday party. The second that is over we are running to another friends party. We will then recover from all that cake and go to two more parties (that over lap time wise) on Sunday. Needless to say, I had to go to Toys R Us to buy gifts. Can I just say that there are a shit load of toys out there!!! Seriously...I mean...SERIOUSLY! I'm happy to say that I had a game plan before going. The only kid I wasn't sure about was my own. I zipped in with my shopping buddy Poppy. So glad he doesn't ask for stuff. I found the toys I was hunting for and then became stumped on what to get T. Ya see, he likes anything boy. Dinosaurs, race cars, Batman, rockets, Nerf guns, you get the picture. The entire time I'm adding up what I have to make sure I hit $75 to get my $10 gift card. I love those coupons. Harharhar...silly me. Like it's going to be a problem spending $75. I decided not to buy T a ton of stuff. He'll get plenty from his party and our family. He ended up with Operation Spongebob and an Ant's in Spongebob's Pants game. (It was free with the Operation game and will be saved til Christmas. I love free shit.) I already bought an awesome light up Solar System that goes on the ceiling. I figure it's educational...right? Of course I had to add a few little things for Poppy since he didn't gripe and whine. Got him some pants on sale, a few teething toys, diapers and a bib. Wondering if I made it to $75? Yeah and them some. $124 and some change. Lord help me when Christmas shopping starts. Speaking of, I found my Christmas Stockings! WOOOOOHOOOOOO! They were behind a craft basket in a closet I'd already looked in. Hummmm. Now I just need to have one made for the baby. That's T with the elusive stockings. I love those stocking. The Husb hates them. Not traditional and you can't get much in them. I say they only need to be big enough for jewelry, perfume and chocolate. But what do I know?


Anonymous said...

i get a headache when i go into toys r us...complete overload. i'm glad you made it out ok...and with free stuff...better yet!

Lee said...

I know...birthday party season is such a pain!! Every weekend, and so many gifts to buy!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

My kids are out of the Toys R Us phase. Thank god! What a relief. All those years of harrassment are over. It doesn't totally end though, now I get hounded for electronics and cash.

Tracie said...

Jewelry, perfume, and chocolate - we think alike!