Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cry Me a River!

I'm not a big crier. Just when watching movies and some times commercials. Not in real life though. Warped, don't ya think? Well, today the Husb comes home and says he won't be home for dinner. WHAT? I won't be home for dinner either!!!!! Once in a blue moon, I actually have plans. Tonight is a recipe exchange with a Mom's Club I'm in. OK, not going to the Mansion or anything, but I have a tiny social life that doesn't involve having to haul the kids with me. Oh, and...these Mom's drink wine! Woohoo! Today I took Poppy to the Doctor for his four month shots. T was with us which only adds to the stress. Needless to say, the baby was not happy about the shots. So, when Husb announces he isn't gonna be home I have an Inner Freakout. If you don't know what that is...it's when all the cuss words you know explode in your head, your face starts turning red, you get really hot and tears start to surface. All the while trying to keep it inside. Husb has to do a Will Execution and this is the only time it can be done. I know what that means...income. I can't bitch...I'm on leave, bring in NADA! :( It's work...we're going to the lake tomorrow, suck it up Niki! So what...you already made your dip, so what that's the only reason you braved Walmart with two kids. (To get the ingredients) So what, you ate at crappy McDonalds for lunch because you promised the kid and even though he's four he can read McDonald's while at Walmart. But alas, the Husb saved the day! He calls my sister and she gets him outta the dog house for double booking. Awwww...thank God for favors and sisters that love your kids and for my sanity. It may seem like a little thing to some, but those that have had an Inner Freakout know just what I'm talking about.


bananaink said...

well, after labor day, we're moving back to the 'city house' for the winter, so you can call me for just such occasions! I'd LOVE to come stay with the boys. Sure wish the 'country house' would sell. :(

The Grounded Drink Lady said...

Be careful what ya offer up...cause I will be a call'in! ;) That dang country house....

D.A. said...

I cried for 3 hours Monday night and broke up with my mother. Can Mr. H do anything to help me with that? : )

The Grounded Drink Lady said...

D.A., Mr. H would love to help out. But wine usually does the trick! Time heals everything. Word to the wise! Oh, also you can pick your nose but you can't pick your relatives. (Did I just make that up???)

The Half Assed Housewife said...

Braving WalMart alone with 2 kids is work. Alot of work! I am so happy my kids can stay at home while I shop finally.

The Half Assed Housewife said...

I left you an award on my blog!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean..you look forward to a little freedom and it disappears in front of your eyes! Glad hubby rescued the situation. You deserve an occasional night out!

Just got your blog address from Half-Assed House-wife. We both got the same award, so I wanted to come check out your blog! Hope you'll come visit mine. Welcome to the Chamber of Horrors and Things That Go Bump in the Night are a couple of my favorite posts.