Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breaking News!

It's 24 degrees in Dallas. You'd think a blizzard had hit the city. Let me tell you about a little pet peeve of mine. All the Dallas News stations preempting the major networks to talk about the weather. At times this is necessary. We do have tornadoes pop up now and then. It's nice to be aware that one might be headed your way. Today we don't get to see any national news because it's cold here. That's it...cold...oh and windy, I can't forget that bone chilling wind. Thank God the news is on to tell us about it. I will say a few school districts north of here are closed because of a tiny bit of freezing rain. Well, the start of school has come and gone so you'd think they would stop talking about it. Nope. The "cold weather" report started at 4:30am this morning. It's now almost 10am. They loop over and over and over. Every news reporter they have are parked in every section of the city. Stop the madness. Please stop the f-ing madness.


Anonymous said...

No kidding, what else is there for them to report? "Just so you know, it's still cold out there," ?? I guess it must be a slow news day for them. Stay warm!

Chief said...

it is crazy! I keep seeing how everyone is freezing with temperatures well above what we have as an average this time of year

It rough when you're not used to it

Anonymous said...

wow...must be a slow news day, otherwise. we have about 6 inches of snow and it's cold...8 degrees...but, seriously?! school has to be cancelled all week?! we lived in alaska for 10 years and NEVER had school cancelled due to snow or cold...and it got 63 below zero up there!!! sorry...can you tell i'm ready for the kids to get back to school?

Tracie said...

Slow news days are everywhere. These stupid weather guys stand in the street and slide around telling us if it's slushy or icey. All day long. I need to get out of the house.