Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I can't do anything Tuesdays...

I'd love to do Supah's Post it Note Tuesday...but I have a whiny baby hanging on my leg. No time to figure out those dang post it's. Maybe later today. Mr. T has to be taken to the Doctor for a well child visit today. Just what I want to do, drag two well kids to a germ infested Doctors office. Hello, my name is Niki and I'm a Germophobic. So true, I even have antibacterial lotion in the cup holder of my car. Use it whenever I get in the car. I don't know how I am a flight attendant with all those nasty sick coughing people around. It's been so long since I've flown, I'm kinda thinking being a millionaire would be nice. Then I could give the finger to the big D and never go back. Awww but alas that damn health insurance thing looms over us. Must have it and even having a million might not be enough! ;) I "get " to go to training on the 24th. My neighbor said it would be nice to get out of town for a while. Yeah well, it would if I didn't have every spare second crammed with tests and drills. I need a vacation...alone. Sweet bliss it would be!

Could be worse, got a good friend that almost cut her finger off with a circular saw and my sister broke her wrist in several places. Life is loud but good here. Maybe I can get the wireless fixed on this computer and come up with an interesting post. We shall see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i always thought being a flight attendant would be fascinating! all that travel...getting to see the world! i love flying...