Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fun & Games!

I've had my fun and games, so now it's the Husb's time. Tomorrow he is headed out to go hunting. Funny thing is...he doesn't hunt. Those poor dove don't know what their in for. Darn things will be deaf for weeks. The Husb doesn't hunt mainly because a tragic hunting accident he witnessed as a kid. He's not warped or anything...but the story sorta warped me, so I won't go into it. Let's just say I'm opposed to my kids going hunting.

When I go on my merry way, I take wine and wasbi almonds. The Husb and friends...take "supplies". Tonight Husbs friend is coming for dinner and then they are going to shop...for supplies. Hehe. I talked to another friend today about the trip. Her husband left it 6:30 am this morning and apparently was a shopping fool last night. All I ask is that they are careful, don't hunt while drunk and please, please don't bring any bloody birds home. I've heard dove is gamey. I think I've tried it once, but it was wrapped in bacon. I truly believe I could eat a turd if it was wrapped in enough I don't recall if the dove was gamey.

Now I wonder what in the world are the kids and I going to do all weekend alone. I'm hoping there is a bunch of cash in the bank account. I then have a plan. I say, order pizza and Chinese, go to Home Depot and get a bunch of fall flowers to plant and continue decorating the crap outta the house for Halloween. Love Halloween, and yes, I've already decorated. Can you really have enough scary stuff? I don't really have a lot of scary stuff...but I'd like too. Humm...maybe this weekend. While the cats away, the mice will play.

1 comment:

bananaink said...

I think sunday you, me and the boys should go to cottonwood arts festival. My husb doesn't need to be walking all over and will be watching football all day.